My Crazy Life

My life is ridiculously out of control right now.  I feel a little bit like a spectator watching it fly by, but I’m exhausted enough to know that I am a participant.  And it makes me want to rip my hair out a little everyday.

First, and most importantly, I am in the process of retaking Chem II.  My teacher for chem II during the school year was horrible.  The class average ranged between a low C and a high D, and she offered no help in how to do better in the course.  So I withdrew and am now paying the price.  This time around, chem seems to be a little bit easier.  The teacher is still just so so, but her quizzes and tests are much more straight forward and less tricky.  So, so far, so good.

So, I go home on friday nights and go straight to work at the pet store.  And I work saturdays there as well.  And then I took a second job as a vet tech for a vaccination clinic on Sundays.  So sundays, I go there and then come back down to school.  And it is exhausting. 

So if I don’t write very often for the next three weeks, you know why.  I’m run to the ground and turned into sawdust lol.

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